Elementary Level >> Flashcards and Role Play Materials >> Deals with the problem of forming questions with "to be" or with the auxiliary "do". Students must separate the verb "to be" from all the other verbs which use "do" to form questions. Teacher-led activity which elicits both types of questions.

To Be Or Not To Be


Deals with the problem of forming questions with "to be" or with the auxiliary "do". Students must separate the verb "to be" from all the other verbs which use "do" to form questions. Teacher-led activity which elicits both types of questions.

The basis of this activity is that the teacher begins by starting a simple story. He/She stops every few sentences to hold up a flashcard and elicit questions from the students - some of which require questions using "to be", others requiring the auxiliary "do" to form the question.

Below is one example, but you can obviously use this activity with a whole myriad of different stories and flashcards.

The first four questions elicited are:

Once upon a time, a king lived in a big castle on a mountain in Russia.

married? have children?
live alone? happy?

He decided one day that he wanted to give all his money away and become a farmer. He thought "I will be happy if I work on the land."

very rich? what/tell his wife?
she/surprised? he/do?

...and on the story goes. You can continue like this for three minutes or for half an hour and students will improve their identification of which type of question structure is required.

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