Pre-Intermediate Level >> Grammar Worksheets >> To practice prepositions. Worksheet in which students fill in the prepostions.

Preposition Gap Fill Worksheet


For each space, write a preposition. Sometimes, there is no preposition required - in these cases, just write a 'X' in the space.

1. I work _______ a company that makes ice cream machines and sells them _______ Europe.

2. Your aunt is always complaining that you never write _______ her. Just a quick letter will make her feel _______ very happy.

3. Nobody expected her to fall _______ love _______ the new boss! Now they are getting married!

4. I want you to look very carefully _______ this picture. What do you think _______ when you see it?

5. She married _______ a millionaire and now works _______ his accountant.

6. Don't tell _______ your wife about the party invitation. She will be furious.

7. I arrived _______ New York _______ 7 o'clock and stayed in the airport _______ two hours before the next flight.

8. I want to play tennis tomorrow _______ my sister but it depends _______ the weather. They said it's going to rain all day.

9. If you lend money _______ Jon, be careful. Sometimes he forgets everything.

10. Opposite _______ the station, you will find a restaurant where you can eat very well and you don't pay _______ your drinks. Premium

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