Advanced Level >> Phrasal Verbs Worksheets >> Grouped into alphabetical selections, students choose one phrasal verb for every sentence. Verbs on this page include call, come and carry.

Phrasal Verb Gap Fill Worksheet   C-D


1. They decided to name their son Arthur like after the husband's father even though she wanted to CALL HIM AFTER her brother Vincent.

2. We don't want to CALL OFF the baseball match now. A lot of people have already bought tickets.

3. My father was CALLED UP into the army when he was only 17.

4. My aunt is a type of nurse. She CARES FOR elderly people at a residential care centre.

5. The 3 men who robbed the First National Bank were confronted by the most technologically advanced security system developed for a bank but they still managed to CARRY IT OFF (it).

6. With property prices so high now, you should CASH IN on your house before they fall again.

7. She needs to CATCH ON to what her boss is doing behind her back. She will go to jail with him!

8. Seeing as I have the day off today, I will CATCH UP on my correspondence.

9. Try and get your brother to CHEER UP. He looks thoroughly miserable!!

10. Every air crash CHIPS AWAY at the public's confidence in the airlines.

11. The new owners will be here on Monday so we need to CLEAR OUT totally by then.

12. The police say they are CLOSING IN on the serial killer after his ex-wife came to them.

13. I fear Mary has COME DOWN WITH the flu again. She catches it off the other kids at school.

14. John planned the speech meticulously and everything CAME OFF really well. It was a great success.

15. The union HAS COME ROUND to the restructuring plan after several weeks of tough negotiation.

16. The photocopier isn't working so I have to COPY OUT this document by hand.

17. Mandy will be away all next week so I want you to COVER FOR her.

18. When I arrived to vote, I found that my name had been CROSSED OFF the list - someone else had voted in my name!

19. The passenger pigeon DIED OUT in the USA in the 19th Century.

20. I think the government should DO AWAY WITH all laws pertaining to public speech and expression.

21. We are totally lost Mike. Why don't we DOUBLE BACK and try and find our original path.

22. The general meeting DRAGGED ON for two hours longer than anticipated.

23. If we want that yacht, you realise we will have to DRAW OUT all our savings from the bank.

24. Stop beating about the bush, Tony. What are you DRIVING AT when you say "more money"? Do you want a pay rise or not?

carry off
cover for
do away with
copy out
close in
draw out
catch up
call after
catch on
come round
drag on
clear out
die out
double back
care for
cross off
come down with
drive at
cheer up
come off
call up
call off
cash in
chip away Premium

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