Grammar Exercise: So & Because
Each sentence finishes with a phrase including either so or because. Put the correct number in the box.
1. because you have a terrible cough 2. because she loves eating chocolate. 3. so let's go and rent a DVD to watch. 4. because they had the three best players. 5. so let's listen to something else. 6. so let's go somewhere else. 7. so you will often see me wearing it. 8. so the leader has resigned. |
9. because she was in such a rush. 10. so I had to go and tell the police. 11. so now we can't buy it. 12. because it was the only one with any rooms. 13. so I'm going to bed. 14. because Mary forgot to go shopping. 15. so I sometimes hit my head on low doors. 16. so I'm getting a jobs magazine this afternoon. |