Intermediate Reading Exercise

Formal and Informal Letters

Read the following letter from one friend to another.

Then, read a similar but more formal letter. Fill each space with one of the formal expressions you see in the table below. In each space in the second letter, write the number that corresponds to the correct phrase.

Hi Darren,

Sorry I wasn't able to get to your house warming party last Friday. I was really looking forward to it and I was all ready to leave the house when my aunt from Ireland arrived at the house for a surprise visit!! She was only in town for the one evening before she went to my brother's house so I had to stay with her. I'm really sorry Dazza.

I tried to telephone you but your line was busy the two times when I telephoned. Then I was out with my aunt in town and didn't have the chance to ring again.

I hope you understand. I know you wanted to get me to meet that girl, Yvonne, who you work with. Oh well, next time maybe! My evening was really boring...if that makes you feel any better.

See you soon



1. Later, I was otherwise engaged 2. I hope this will be possible at the next available opportunity 3. I hope you can understand my difficulties
4. I hope the dinner went well for all concerned. 5. a relative arrived unexpectedly. 6. I regret not being able
7. Please accept my sincerest apologies. 8. was twice engaged 9. introduce me to Ms. Phoenix
10. Dear Mr. Jones 11. Sincerely 12. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


to get to your business dinner last Friday. I was really looking forward to it and I was all ready to leave the house when . She was only in town for the one evening before she went to my brother's house so I had to stay with her. .

I tried to telephone you but your line when I called. and didn't have the chance to ring again.

. I know you wanted to who you work with. . .



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