Elementary Business Reading

Short Texts: Emails

Read the short texts and choose the best answer for each question.


Email to Dave

Hi Dave, I hope you had time to look at the project proposal I sent last week. We need your feedback by Friday so we can make changes before the client meeting next week. Let me know if you need more time.

What is the main purpose of this email?

  1. To inform Dave about a presentation.
  2. To ask Dave for feedback on the proposal.
  3. To give Dave more time to review the proposal.


Team Email

Dear Team, Please remember that the monthly sales report is due by Thursday evening. Make sure you include all platforms and currencies in the final report. Let me know if you need help or more time.

What is required by Thursday?

  1. A report with client feedback.
  2. A meeting summary for the month.
  3. The monthly sales report with all updates.


Meeting Email

Hi Sarah, I've planned our team meeting for 10 a.m. on Tuesday. We'll talk about the new marketing plan, so please bring any information you have about recent projects. If you can't come, let me know and we can change the time.

What will be discussed in the meeting?

  1. Recent team performance.
  2. The new marketing strategy.
  3. Future campaign ideas.


Supplier Confirmation

Hi Mark, Can you confirm if the supplier delivered the office equipment last week? We need to finish the payment, but I want to check that everything arrived before we pay. Please reply by the end of today.

Why does the sender want Mark's confirmation?

  1. To process the payment for the delivery.
  2. To check if the office equipment is ready.
  3. To follow up on the supplier's invoice.


Presentation Feedback

Dear John, I've looked at the draft you sent for the presentation, and I think it looks good. However, I think we should add a few more slides about the market. Let me know if you want help with that.

What does the sender suggest?

  1. To reduce the number of slides.
  2. To completely redo the presentation.
  3. To add more slides on market analysis.


Maintenance Notice

Hi everyone, The office will be closed for repairs next Monday, so please plan to work from home. If you have important tasks that need to be done in the office, please finish them by Friday afternoon. Let me know if you have any questions.

What should employees do if they need to be in the office?

  1. Complete their tasks by Monday morning.
  2. Finish urgent tasks by Friday afternoon.
  3. Work from home on Friday.


Client Update Request

Dear Anna, The client wants an update on the project by Wednesday. Could you send me the latest budget and timeline figures as soon as possible? I'll need them for the client report.

Why does the sender need the figures from Anna?

  1. To prepare an internal report.
  2. To discuss project timelines with the team.
  3. To give a client project update.


Supplier Contract

Hi Michael, I've attached the contract for the new supplier, which needs to be signed and returned by Friday. Please check it and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We're planning to finish the agreement early next week.

What does Michael need to do by Friday?

  1. Sign and return the contract.
  2. Ask questions about the new supplier.
  3. Finalise the agreement with the supplier.

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