Elementary Business Reading

Short Texts: Report Summaries

Read the short texts and choose the best answer for each question.


Employee Survey on Flexible Hours

A recent survey showed that 75% of employees are happy with the new flexible working hours. However, 20% said they have trouble with communication when working from home.

What percentage of employees are happy with the new working hours?

  1. 20%.
  2. 75%.
  3. 50%.


Quarterly Sales Review

The review shows that sales went up by 10% compared to last year. However, customer satisfaction went down by 5%, with many complaining about slow delivery times.

What was the main customer complaint?

  1. High prices.
  2. Poor product quality.
  3. Slow delivery times.


Office Environment Survey

67% of employees said they were happy with the office environment, but many said the air conditioning is too cold, especially in the afternoon.

What did many employees complain about?

  1. The air conditioning being too cold.
  2. The office being too noisy.
  3. The desks being uncomfortable.


Training Feedback

In a recent survey, 80% of employees said they were happy with the company's training programmes. However, some said they would like more one-on-one support.

What did some employees want more of?

  1. Longer training sessions.
  2. More online courses.
  3. One-on-one support.


Customer Product Review

The report showed that 90% of customers rated the new product as excellent, but some said the price was too high for their budget.

What did some customers say about the product?

  1. The product was too complex.
  2. The price was too high.
  3. The colour options were limited.


Internal Communication Survey

In the annual survey, 60% of staff said they were happy with the company's communication methods. However, some said that internal emails are often too long and unclear.

What did some employees say about internal emails?

  1. They are too short.
  2. They are too long and unclear.
  3. They are too formal.


Customer Support Feedback

Customer feedback shows that 70% were happy with the support they received, but some said the response time could be quicker, especially during busy hours.

What did some customers say about the support?

  1. Response time could be quicker.
  2. The staff were unhelpful.
  3. The instructions were unclear.


Team Evaluation

In a recent evaluation, 85% of employees said they work well as a team, but many said they would like more team-building activities to improve relationships.

What do many employees want more of?

  1. Longer work hours.
  2. Individual projects.
  3. Team-building activities.

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