Intermediate Business Vocabulary

HR Disputes Gap Fill

Choose the correct answers from the words in the box below.

compensation - dismissed - grievance - performance - dispute - hearing - mediation - agreement

Last year, Ben was unexpectedly (1) from his job after five years of consistent hard work. His employer claimed it was due to poor (2), but Ben strongly disagreed. In fact, he had received positive feedback in his recent reviews.

Frustrated by what he believed to be unfair treatment, Ben filed a formal (3) with the Human Resources department. A (4) was scheduled to discuss the situation, but no resolution was reached.

Ben's next step was to enter into (5) with his company in the hope of reaching an (6). If the issue couldn't be resolved, he was prepared to take legal action to secure the (7) he believed he deserved for his sudden termination.

The whole (8) caused a lot of stress, but Ben remained determined to fight for his rights.

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