Intermediate Business Reading

Short Texts: Emails

Read the short texts and choose the best answer for each question.


Email to Sarah

Hi Sarah, I wanted to follow up on our conversation from last week about the upcoming marketing campaign. Could you send over the revised budget figures by the end of today? I need to finalise the proposal and share it with the management team tomorrow. Also, please include any updated details from the design team regarding the new materials. Thanks!

Why does the sender emphasise sending the revised budget and design details by the end of today?

  1. The proposal needs to be reviewed and approved by the management team the next day.
  2. The marketing campaign is starting today.
  3. Sarah is responsible for presenting the proposal to the management team.


Meeting Invitation

Dear Team, I'd like to invite you all to a meeting on Wednesday, 15th March at 2 p.m. in Conference Room 1. The purpose of the meeting is to review the latest client feedback and discuss our approach to addressing some of the issues raised. Please come prepared with any thoughts or suggestions you may have. I'll also be sharing the revised project timelines during the meeting.

What is the main purpose of this meeting?

  1. To create a new project schedule.
  2. To discuss problems raised by clients and find solutions.
  3. To assign new tasks to team members.


Email to IT Support

Hi IT Team, We've been experiencing some issues with the server this morning. A few team members have reported that they're unable to access certain files, and the system seems to be running much slower than usual. Could you look into this as soon as possible? We're working on a deadline and need everything running smoothly. Please let me know once the issue is resolved.

What underlying issue is the sender likely concerned about by requesting prompt IT support?

  1. The sender wants to upgrade the server before the deadline.
  2. The server issues are causing data loss.
  3. The server problems could hinder meeting the project deadline.


Email to a Client

Dear Mr Smith, I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to confirm the details of your upcoming order, which is set to be delivered on 22nd April. Please find attached the updated invoice and shipping details. If there are any changes needed or if you have further instructions, do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you for choosing our services once again.

What can be inferred about the sender's relationship with Mr Smith?

  1. This is the first order Mr Smith has placed.
  2. The sender has an ongoing business relationship and values his repeat business.
  3. The sender is unsure about the order details.


Email to a Supplier

Dear Supplier, I wanted to check in regarding the shipment we were expecting last week. It seems that the delivery has been delayed, and we haven't received any updates on when it will arrive. Could you please provide us with an estimated delivery date? This delay is affecting our production schedule, so it's quite urgent. Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Why is the sender writing this email?

  1. To find out when a late delivery will arrive.
  2. To cancel an order with the supplier.
  3. To request a refund for the delivery.


Email to Finance Department

Hi Finance Team, I'm reviewing our department's budget for the next quarter, and I've noticed that some of the figures for travel expenses seem higher than expected. Could you please check the details and confirm whether there were any unexpected costs this quarter? If any corrections need to be made, please update the report and let me know. I'll need the final numbers by the end of the week.

What does the sender want the finance team to do?

  1. Increase the travel budget for next quarter.
  2. Create a new budget report from scratch.
  3. Check and correct any mistakes in the expenses.


Email to Project Team

Hi Team, I just wanted to remind you that the final version of the project report is due by Friday. Please make sure to review your sections and submit any changes to me by Wednesday, so we have time to make any final edits. If you have any issues meeting the deadline, let me know as soon as possible.

Why has the sender set a Wednesday deadline?

  1. To share the report with other departments.
  2. To schedule a team meeting about the changes.
  3. To have enough time to check and fix any problems.


Email to HR Department

Dear HR Team, I would like to request a meeting to discuss the possibility of extending my remote working agreement. My current agreement is set to expire at the end of the month, and I believe an extension would allow me to continue contributing effectively while balancing my personal commitments. Please let me know if this can be arranged, and we can discuss further at your convenience.

What kind of change is the sender requesting?

  1. To change their working hours.
  2. To continue working from home.
  3. To move to a different office.

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