Intermediate Business Reading

Short Texts: Chat Transcripts

Read the short texts and choose the best answer for each question.


Meeting Rescheduling

Alice: Hey John, have you seen the email about the client meeting tomorrow?
John: Yeah, but I might need to reschedule. I've got a conflict at 10 a.m.
Alice: We can push it to 3 p.m. if that works for you.
John: That's perfect, thanks! But do we need to inform the client?
Alice: I'll handle that. Just focus on your other meeting.
John: Great, I appreciate it.

How do Alice and John handle this scheduling conflict?

  1. They decide to cancel the client meeting entirely.
  2. They ask the client to suggest an alternative time.
  3. They collaborate to find a solution and divide responsibilities.


Project Deadline

Paul: Sarah, how's the progress on the website redesign?
Sarah: It's almost done. I just need one more day to finalise everything.
Paul: We've got the deadline tomorrow. Can you make sure it's ready by the end of the day?
Sarah: Definitely. I'll make sure it's delivered by then.
Paul: That's great. Do you need any help with the final touches?
Sarah: I think I'm good, but I'll let you know if anything comes up.

What is Sarah expected to do by the end of the day tomorrow?

  1. Finish final draft of the redesign.
  2. Deliver the final version of the website redesign.
  3. Ask for help with the redesign.


Document Approval

David: Hi Linda, have you looked over the contract draft I sent?
Linda: I started reading it this morning. There are a couple of sections that need clarification.
David: Could you highlight those for me? I'll make the necessary edits.
Linda: Sure. I'll send you my comments in the next hour.
David: Perfect, that way we can send it to the client before noon.
Linda: I'll make sure to have it ready on time.

What does this exchange reveal about the document review process?

  1. It involves collaborative editing and clear time management.
  2. It requires complete rewriting of the contract.
  3. It needs approval from multiple departments.


IT Support Request

Emma: Hey Josh, can you help me with the printer? It keeps showing an error message.
Josh: Sure, what does the error say?
Emma: It says something about a paper jam, but I checked, and there's nothing stuck.
Josh: Sometimes it's a sensor issue. Did you restart the printer?
Emma: I haven't. Should I try that first?
Josh: Yes, give it a reboot. If it still doesn't work, I'll come by to take a look.

What approach does Josh take to troubleshooting the printer problem?

  1. He immediately offers to inspect the printer in person.
  2. He suggests trying simple solutions before more complex ones.
  3. He dismisses the original error message completely.


Budget Revision

Claire: Mark, have you had a chance to review the budget for next quarter?
Mark: I'm looking at it now. We might need to adjust the marketing spend.
Claire: Do you think we're over budget?
Mark: Not yet, but if we don't reallocate some funds, we could be by the end of next quarter.
Claire: I agree. Let's prioritise the campaigns that are performing well.
Mark: Good idea. I'll send you the revised figures later today.

Why does Mark think they need to adjust the marketing budget?

  1. To avoid overspending by the end of the quarter.
  2. Because the current spend is too high.
  3. To increase the spend on new projects.


Meeting Minutes

James: Lily, can you send me the minutes from yesterday's meeting?
Lily: I'm working on them now. I'll have them to you by noon.
James: Great, I need to review them before I meet with the directors at 1 p.m.
Lily: No problem. Is there anything specific you need highlighted?
James: Yes, just make sure the action points for each team are clear.
Lily: Will do. I'll send the final version shortly.

What does this conversation reveal about meeting documentation?

  1. It is mainly used to record attendance.
  2. It focuses on scheduling future meetings.
  3. It serves as a reference point for future discussions and actions.


Report Feedback

Michael: Hey Jasmine, did you get a chance to look at my report?
Jasmine: Yes, I've added a few comments. The content is good, but I think the layout could be improved.
Michael: Really? What's wrong with it?
Jasmine: It's just a bit hard to follow in some sections. Maybe break it up with more subheadings.
Michael: Got it. I'll make those changes and send it back to you for review.
Jasmine: Sounds good! I think it'll flow better after that.

What does Jasmine think needs improvement in Michael's report?

  1. The quality of the content.
  2. The accuracy of the data.
  3. The flow and structure.


Client Request

Tom: Lucy, the client just called. They want the report a day earlier than we agreed.
Lucy: That's going to be tough. I'm still waiting on some numbers from finance.
Tom: Can we submit a draft instead?
Lucy: I could, but the analysis section wouldn't be complete.
Tom: Let's send what we have and note that the final version will follow.
Lucy: Okay, I'll prepare it now and include a note about the missing analysis.

What will Lucy do to meet the client's request?

  1. Submit a copy that isn't final.
  2. Wait until the finance numbers arrive.
  3. Send the final version as early as possible.

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