Advanced Business Vocabulary

Legal Practices Definition Matching

For each gap, write the number of the correct definition.

  1. Consequential Loss
  2. Affidavit
  3. Legal Aid
  4. Jurisprudence
  5. Malpractice
  6. Class Action
  7. Contingency Fee
  8. Adjudicate

1. A lawsuit filed by a group of people with the same or similar injuries caused by the same defendant.

2. Professional misconduct or failure to meet the standards in one's profession.

3. The theory and philosophy of law.

4. A written statement confirmed by oath for use as evidence in court.

5. Assistance in legal representation and advice to those unable to afford it.

6. To make a formal judgment or decision in a legal case.

7. A secondary loss resulting from a direct loss in a legal case.

8. A fee that is only paid to a lawyer if the case is won.

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