C2 Proficiency Exam Guide: Gapped Text
Reading & Use of English Paper
Context: Part 6 of the Reading & Use of English paper consists of a gapped text, where candidates select from eight options the correct extract to fit in each of the seven gaps. This includes one distractor that does not fit any gap. The text may have a title and sub-heading.
Task: Candidates must understand the structure and meaning of the text, noting the information and ideas before and after each gap, as well as their development throughout the text. They then decide which extract fits each gap.
Objective: To test candidates' comprehension of text structure and their ability to discern the flow and development of ideas and events within the text.
Scoring & Marks: The seven questions are worth fourteen points, so two points for each. There are 72 points available for the whole Reading & Use of English paper.
How to Approach
- Reading Strategy: Read the main text first to gain an overall understanding of its structure and theme. Pay attention to the information and ideas around each gap and throughout the text.
- Textual Cohesion and Coherence: Consider the text's development as a whole rather than focusing on individual gaps. This involves deciding between extracts to find the most logical fit for each gap.
- Linguistic Device Recognition: Practise recognising linguistic devices that indicate sequence, cause and effect, and argument structure. Practise cutting up texts to compare alternatives visually.
- Beyond Surface Matching: Don't simply match words or phrases in the options with those in the text. The focus should be on understanding the development of ideas and events.
Assessment Focus
Focuses on understanding text structure, cohesion, and coherence.
- Develop skills in identifying logical development and structure within texts.
- Practise with a variety of texts, analysing their style, structure, and organisation.
- Engage in games or exercises that involve piecing together broken up texts and understanding their logical flow and thematic development.
How It Looks

Student Suggestion
"Analysing texts for their structural and thematic development has been key in mastering this part of the exam." - Ji-Hoon Kim
Practice Exercises
We have a page on the site to practise: C2 Proficiency: Gapped Text Exercises