Grammar Exercises - Advanced Level
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Advanced Quantifiers
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Advanced Quantifiers
Advanced Quantifiers Gap Fill Exercise
Choose the right word to finish each of these advanced quantifier sentences.
Exercise Number: 4G36
Advanced Quantifiers Error Correction
Each of these sentences contains an advanced quantifier structure. Are they correct or wrong?
Exercise Number: 4G33
Advanced Quantifiers Error Correction 2
Each of these sentences contains an advanced quantifier structure. Are they correct or wrong?
Exercise Number: 4G34
Advanced Quantifiers Re-Ordering Exercise
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences with quantifier expressions.
Exercise Number: 4G27
Expressions With 'All' Re-Ordering
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences using expressions with 'all'.
Exercise Number: 4G35

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The Town Of Most: Article Gap Fill
Read about this very polluted town and choose the correct articles for each space.
Exercise Number: 4G93
Despite, Although, etc
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Despite, Although, etc
Contrasting Ideas
Look at these pairs of sentences containing the words despite, although, however, etc. Which one is correct?
Exercise Number: 4G60
Contrasting Ideas
Choose the best linking word to complete each sentence.
Exercise Number: 4G67
Expressions of Contrast Matching Quiz
Match the first half of the sentences with the second half on the right to make expressions using contrast.
Exercise Number: 4G38
Expressions of Contrast Re-Ordering Quiz
Put these words into the correct order to create sentences with structures of contrast, i.e. although, however, in spite of, etc.
Exercise Number: 4G24
Contrasting Ideas Matching Quiz
Match the left and right columns to make whole sentences that use contrasting ideas.
Exercise Number: 4G41
Relative Clauses & Pronouns
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Relative Pronouns II
Letter of Complaint: Relative Pronoun Gap Fill Quiz
Gap fill exercise. Read the letter of complaint and fill the spaces with the correct relative pronoun.
Exercise Number: 4G32
Relative Pronoun Gap Fill Quiz
Put the right relative pronoun. Think about if a relative pronoun is needed or not.
Exercise Number: 4G31
Relative Pronouns Re-Ordering Quiz
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences with relative pronouns.
Exercise Number: 4G26
Gerund or Infinitive?
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Gerund or Infinitive / Verb Patterns
Verb Patterns Error Correction
Look at these examples of infinitive and gerund verb patterns. Are they correct or wrong?
Exercise Number: 4G21
Gerund or Infinitive Re-Ordering Quiz
Put these words into the correct order to make sentences containing different gerund/infinitive verb patters.
Exercise Number: 4G20
Purpose, Reason, Result
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Purpose, Reason & Result
The Politician's Letter - Linking Words
Practice of linking words such as "however", "because" and "therefore".
Exercise Number: 4G39
Purpose, Reason & Result Re-Ordering Exercise
Put these words into the correct order to make sentences with expressions of purpose, reason and results.
Exercise Number: 4G28
Purpose, Reason & Result Multiple Choice
Choose the best structure of purpose, reason and results to complete each sentence.
Exercise Number: 4G37
Subject / Verb Agreement Exercise
Sometimes, it's difficult to know if words like "everyone", "both", "either", etc use singular or plural verb agreement.
Exercise Number: 4G86
Subject / Verb Agreement Gap Fill
Gap fill exercise about subject/verb agreement.
Exercise Number: 4G88
John Lennon's Guitar: Preposition Gap Fill
Put in the correct prepositions in this text about the sale of John Lennon's guitar.
Exercise Number: 4G92