B1 CEFR Vocabulary Word List
Here are the words for B1 CEFR level. This list builds on the words that are in the A2 level word list. For the next level of words, see the B2 level word list.
CEFR Word List Pages: A1 Level Word List A2 Level Word List You are on the B1 Level Word List B2 Level Word List C1 Level Word List Back to the Reference main page |
A | |
absolutely academic access accommodation account achievement act ad addition admire admit advanced advise afford age aged agent agreement ahead aim alarm album alcohol alcoholic alternative amazed ambition |
ambitious analyse analysis announce announcement annoy annoyed annoying apart apologize application appointment appreciate approximately arrest arrival assignment assist atmosphere attach attitude attract attraction authority average award aware |
B | |
backwards bake balance ban bank (river) base basic basis battery battle beauty bee belief bell bend benefit better |
bite block board bomb border bother branch brand brave breath breathe breathing bride bubble bury by |
C | |
calm campaign campus candidate cap captain careless category ceiling celebration central centre ceremony chain challenge champion channel chapter charge cheap cheat cheerful chemical chest childhood claim clause clear click client climb close cloth clue coach coal coin collection coloured combine comment commercial commit communication |
comparison competitor competitive complaint complex concentrate conclude conclusion confident confirm confuse confused connection consequence consist consume consumer contact container content continuous contrast convenient convince cool costume cottage cotton count countryside court cover covered cream criminal cruel cultural currency current currently curtain custom cut |
D | |
daily damage deal decade decorate deep define definite definition deliver departure despite destination determine determined development diagram diamond difficulty direct |
directly dirt disadvantage disappointed disappointing discount dislike divide documentary donate double doubt dressed drop drum drunk due dust duty |
E | |
earthquake eastern economic economy edge editor educate educated educational effective effectively effort election element embarrassed embarrassing emergency emotion employment empty encourage enemy engaged engineering entertain entertainment |
entrance entry environmental episode equal equally escape essential eventually examine except exchange excitement exhibition expand expected expedition experience experienced experiment explode explore explosion export extra |
F | |
face fairly familiar fancy far fascinating fashionable fasten favour fear feature fence fighting file financial fire fitness fixed flag flood |
flour flow fold folk following force forever frame freeze frequently friendship frighten frightened frightening frozen fry fuel function fur further |
G | |
garage gather generally generation generous gentle gentleman ghost giant glad global |
glove go goods grade graduate grain grateful growth guard guilty |
H | |
hand hang happiness hardly hate head headline heating heavily helicopter highlight |
highly hire historic historical honest horrible horror host hunt hurricane hurry |
I | |
identity ignore illegal imaginary immediate immigrant impact import importance impression impressive improvement incredibly indeed indicate indirect |
indoor indoors influence ingredient injure injured innocent intelligence intend intention invest investigate involved iron issue IT |
J | |
journal |
judge |
K | |
keen key keyboard kick |
killing kind (caring) kiss knock |
L | |
label laboratory lack latest lay layer lead leading leaf leather legal leisure length level |
lie (tell a lie) limit lip liquid literature live living local locate located location lonely loss luxury |
M | |
mad magic mainly mall management market marketing marriage meanwhile measure medium mental mention |
mess mild mine (hole) mix mixture mood move mud murder muscle musical mystery |
N | |
nail narrative nation native naturally necessarily need needle neighbourhood |
neither net next nor normal northern note nuclear |
O | |
obvious obviously occasion occur odd official old-fashioned once operation |
organised organiser original originally ought ours outdoor outdoors |
P | |
pack package painful pale pan participate particularly pass passion path payment peaceful percentage perfectly performance personally persuade photographer photography pin pipe place planning pleasant pleasure plenty plot plus poem poet poetry point poison poisonous policy political politician politics port portrait |
possibly pot pour poverty powder powerful practical pray prayer prediction prepared presentation press pressure pretend previous previously priest primary prince princess printing prisoner private producer production profession profit programme promote proper properly property protest proud prove pull punish punishment push |
Q | |
qualification qualified qualify queue |
quit quotation quote |
R | |
race (people) racing range rare rarely reaction reality receipt recommendation reference reflect regularly reject relate related relation relative relaxed relaxing release reliable religion religious remain remind remote rent |
repair repeat repeated represent request require reservation resource respect responsibility responsible result retire retired revise ring rise risk robot roll romantic rope rough row royal rugby rule |
S | |
safety sail sailor sample sand scan scientific script sculpture secondary security seed sensible separate seriously servant set (put) set (group) setting sex sexual shake share sharp shelf shell shift shine shiny shoot shy sight signal silent silly similarity similarly simply since sink slice slightly slow smart smooth |
software soil solid sort southern specifically spending spicy spirit spoken spot spread spring stadium staff standard state statistic statue stick (attach) stick (piece of wood) still store stranger strength string strongly studio stuff substance successfully sudden suffer suit suitable summarise summary supply supporter surely surface survive swim switch symptom |
T | |
tail talent talented tape tax technical technique tend tent that theirs theme theory therefore this though throat throughout tight till tin |
tiny tip toe tongue total totally touch tour trade translate translation transport treat treatment trend trick truth tube type typically tyre |
U | |
ugly unable uncomfortable underwear unemployed unemployment unfair union unless |
unlike unlikely unnecessary unpleasant update upon upset used |
V | |
valuable value various version victim |
view viewer violent volunteer vote |
W | |
warm warn warning waste water wave weapon weigh western whatever whenever whether while whole |
will win wing within wonder wool worldwide worry worse worst worth written wrong |
X Y Z | |
yard young |
youth |