A2 Key - Practice Writing Tests

Cambridge English: Key (KET)

On this page, you will find example printable writing tests to help your students prepare for the Writing part of the 'Reading & Writing' paper in the A2 Key exam.

There are two parts to the Writing section of the 'Reading & Writing' paper.

In Part 6, students write a short email or note of at least 25 words. They'll be given three specific points that they must include in their writing. This task is worth 15 marks.

In Part 7, there are three pictures that tell a story. Your students' task is to write a story of at least 35 words describing what happens in these pictures. This task is also worth 15 marks.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test One
Part Six: Missing a test due to illness (note to teacher).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Two
Part Six: Birthday party invitation (email to friend).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Three
Part Six: Thanking neighbour for plant care (note to neighbour).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Teaching Tip!

1. Guide students to ensure they include all three required points when writing an email or note in Part 6 of the exam.

2. Help students understand the ideal word count for Part 6. Teach them to aim for 25-35 words, emphasising concise and clear communication.

3. Practise appropriate email and note formats with students, focusing on standard openings and closings like "Dear Tom", "See you soon", "Hi Mrs Jones", and "Best wishes".

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Four
Part Six: Lost library book (email to library).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Five
Part Six: Cinema invitation (email to friend).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Six
Part Six: Whereabouts and dinner plans (note to mum).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Teaching Tip!

1. Train students to carefully analyse all three pictures before beginning their story in Part 7. Develop their skills in comprehensive visual interpretation.

2. Teach students how to create a narrative flow by using connecting words like "first", "then", "after that", and "finally" to link picture events.

3. Make it clear that story quality is more important than length, while ensuring students meet the minimum 35-word requirement.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Seven
Part Six: Birthday present thanks (email to cousin).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

Teaching Tip!

1. Help students develop strategies for careful spelling checking, particularly for frequently used words.

2. Encourage students to use simple, familiar language they are confident using, rather than attempting complex vocabulary they're unsure about.

3. Train students to allocate time at the end of the writing task for proofreading and error checking.

Cambridge A2 Key (KET) Writing - Practice Test Eight
Part Six: Note to teacher (explaining why you were late).
Part Seven: Short story based on three photos.

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