B2 First

First Certificate in English (FCE)

Below you will find materials to help you prepare your students for the B2 First (formerly First Certificate in English) examination.

Use of English

Multiple Choice Cloze

The first part of the Use of English paper in the B2 First Examination is multiple choice cloze where students have to choose the correct word from four similar given words.

Open Cloze

The second part of the Use of English paper in the B2 First Examination is open cloze, in which students use one word to fill each space in a short text. The required words are usually grammatical, such as pronouns, articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and so on.

Word Formation

The third part of the Use of English paper in the B2 First Examination is word formation where students use a root such as 'able' and create an appropriate word (disable, unable, ability) to fill the gap in a text.

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Key Word Transformations

The final part of the Use of English paper is Key Word Transformations. A sentence followed by a key word and a second sentence which has a gap in it. A student has to use the key word to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.


Multiple Choice

A text with some multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four options and students have to choose A, B, C or D.

Gapped Text

A single page of text with some numbered gaps which represent missing sentences. After the text there are some sentences which are not in the right order. Students have to read the text and the sentences and decide which sentence best fits each gap.

Multiple Matching

A series of statements followed by a text divided into sections or several short texts. Students have to match each statement to the section or text in which they can find the information.


Requires a student to be able to produce two different pieces of writing, such as letters, reports, reviews and essays.


Tests a student's ability to communicate effectively in face to face situations. A student will take the Speaking test with one or two other candidates.

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