Site Guide


esl-lounge gives free access to hundreds of ESL lesson plans and materials that can be used for communicative English lessons in the classroom. The emphasis on this site is on communication. The majority of resources are geared towards getting students talking.

Alongside the printable grammar worksheets, surveys, flashcards, reading comprehension and communication activities for each level, there are also board games and song lyrics for teachers. There is also a section devoted to phonetics and the improvement of student pronunciation of English.

At higher levels, answer sheets have been added for newly-qualified and non-native speaker teachers and those of us (me included!) whose minds go blank at the most inopportune moments.

Our 'Book Worm' sections throughout the site help teachers choose the best materials to help them with their teaching and recommend also the most interesting books to read on every possible aspect of teaching and ESL. Every book recommended on esl-lounge, be it a resources book, a grammar reference or even a dictionary is suggested by someone who knows the book well themselves and can vouch for both its quality and its usefulness in teaching English.

If there are any other questions you have, try our faq page or contact us here at esl lounge.

the materials

Go to the materials page to find out about all the materials on the site. What type of materials will I find? Do I need to have special software to view and use them? How can I use them in the class?

the levels

Go to the levels page to find out more about the level classification which is used on esl lounge. What materials will I find in each level? Do you have some things for absolute beginners? And exam courses?

the rest of the site

Here is a quick look at what the rest of the site has to offer:


Writing on a variety of topics relevant to ESL teachers, the articles you may find on The Dangling Modifier, our blog range from the deadly serious to the dead pan. If you would like to consider writing for the site, in return for traffic or just feedback, go to our blog, see what we are looking for and then contact us.

Teachers' Letters

We have a new discussion every month or so to which you can contribute on this page. This section of the site allows us to have more in-depth discussions than would be possible on a forum.

Teachers' Tales

Go here to read tales of horror, anger and embarrassment from the teachers who use esl lounge. This page needs your contributions to make it work. On the page itself, you have a chance to submit a story to us directly. Send in your stories of humiliation and torture now. We've all had those moments.

Comments Page

Other teachers' thoughts and comments on the site can be viewed.

Site Map

Here, you can see the most important pages of the site set out in a schematic way. There is a link to this page in the page footer.


If you are interested in linking to esl lounge, go here to find site descriptions and graphics. Once you have placed a link to this site, I will be happy to add your own site to the esl lounge links page which lists the best of other ESL sites for teachers.

Those interested in advertising with us should read more about it here.

The esl lounge newsletter

If you would like to keep up to date with the latest developments on the site, you can sign up for our newsletter. The esl lounge newsletter is, of course, totally free to those who sign up to receive a copy. Premium

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