C1 Advanced

Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

Below you will find materials to help you prepare your students for the C1 Advanced (formerly Certificate in Advanced English CAE) examination. These materials are suitable for the updated exam that was revised for 2015.

Paper One - Reading & Use of English

Multiple Choice Cloze

The first part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is multiple choice cloze where students have to choose the correct word from four similar given words.

Open Cloze

The second part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is open cloze, in which students use one word to fill each space in a short text. The required words are usually grammatical, such as pronouns, articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and so on.

Word Formation

The third part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is word formation where students use a root such as 'able' and create an appropriate word (disable, unable, ability) to fill the gap in a text.

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Key Word Transformations

The fourth part of the Reading & Use of English paper is Key Word Transformations. A sentence followed by a key word and a second sentence which has a gap in it. A student has to use the key word to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

Reading Multiple Choice

The fifth part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is reading multiple choice where students read a text and then answer 6 multiple choice comprehension questions.

Reading: Cross Text Multiple Matching

The sixth part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is cross-text multiple matching where students read four short texts and need understanding across all of them to answer the 4 questions.

Reading: Gapped Text

The seventh part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is gapped text where students read a text and choose from 7 removed paragraphs to fill the six gaps in the text.

Reading: Multiple Matching

The eighth part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is multiple matching where students read several short texts and answer 10 questions where they need to match prompts to elements in the texts.

Paper Two - Writing

The writing paper lasts one and a half hours and requires candidates to do one compulsory composition and one other from a choice of reports, letters, proposals and reviews.

Paper Four - Speaking

The C1 Advanced Speaking test has four parts and students usually take it with another candidate. It lasts about 15 minutes.

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