C1 Advanced (CAE) >> Open Cloze Worksheets >> The second part of the Reading & Use of English paper in the C1 Advanced Examination is open cloze, in which students use one word to fill each space in a short text. The required words are usually grammatical, such as pronouns, articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and so on.

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Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE)

C1 Advanced

Open Cloze Worksheet 7

For each space, choose ONE word which you think best completes the sentence. Look carefully at the words both before and after each space.

  1. In response to the question, Mary said that as ____________ as she knew, the house was empty.
  2. I knew there were rabbits in the park, but I've never seen that ____________ of them here before.
  3. I need the name of the person ____________ car is parked right in front of mine. He's completely blocking me!
  4. Go down to the building site quickly. There appears to ____________ been a bad accident.
  5. We've now discovered you were the person who broke the door and in that ____________, we cannot be held responsible.
  6. This is a great book, ____________ only for those that are geology experts, but also for keen amateurs like myself.
  7. I don't like ____________ type of spice, but pepper in particular, I can't stand.
  8. I've read ____________ single book you can see in this room. I think I read three books a week.

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