Business English >> Elementary Vocabulary >> Legal Terms Multiple Choice

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Business English

Elementary Vocabulary

Legal Terms Multiple Choice

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. A ________ is someone who helps with legal issues.
a) teacher
b) lawyer
c) doctor

2. In court, the ________ hears all the evidence and makes a decision.
a) lawyer
b) witness
c) judge

3. To be ________ means to be found not responsible for a crime.
a) guilty
b) innocent
c) tired

4. ________ is the information presented in court to prove a case.
a) Evidence
b) Opinion
c) Guess

5. A ________ is when someone is legally accused of a crime.
a) game
b) party
c) trial

6. A ________ is a legal process against someone.
a) lawsuit
b) conversation
c) meeting

7. If someone is proven to have broken the law, they are ________.
a) busy
b) guilty
c) sad

8. The place where legal cases are heard is called a ________.
a) school
b) court
c) hospital Premium

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