B2 First (FCE) >> Open Cloze Worksheets >> The second part of the Use of English paper in the First Certificate Examination is open cloze, in which students use one word to fill each space in a short text. The required words are usually grammatical, such as pronouns, articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and so on.

Free Test Prep Materials for
Cambridge B2 First (FCE First Certificate)

B2 First

Open Cloze Worksheet 10

For each space, choose ONE word which you think best completes the sentence. Look carefully at the words both before and after each space.

1. He has had very short hair ___________ his days in the army.

2. You will need to complete a Sales Agreement Form for Evaluation, or a "S.A.F.E." ___________ we call them, before the close of business.

3. My aunt doesn't live far ___________ and I get to visit her at least once a week.

4. I ___________ forward a good idea at the meeting but it was totally ignored!

5. I used to travel around garage sales looking for antiques which owners were selling cheap. I had a good ___________ of success as I used to read a lot of books about it.

6. London is a fantastic city, richer ___________ parks and open spaces than just about any other city in the world.

7. This study will investigate ___________ people who are left handed are more likely to have accidents in the home or not.

8. After visiting the cathedral, we will take half an hour in the riverside park so that you all have time ___________ eat your lunch. Afterwards, we will catch the bus to the castle ruins.

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