Pre-Intermediate - worksheets 4
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"Going To" Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on the times when "going to" is used to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now.
'Will' or 'Going To' worksheet
Answer Sheet
Student choose between the two possible future forms.

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"Going To" Word Order
Answer Sheet
A worksheet to revise word order in "going to" sentences.
Going To: Evidence Or Not?
Answer Sheet
This worksheet helps students to recognize when 'going to' is used to talk about a future prediction when it's based on present evidence.
Use of Future Tenses
Answer Sheet
Students think about how and why different expressions of future time are used in English.
First & Zero Conditionals
First & Zero Conditional - Extra or Missing Words
Answer Sheet
In each sentence containing first and zero conditional, there is an extra or missing word.
First Conditional: Match The Sentence Halves
Answer Sheet
Students match the two halves of the sentence to make a whole first conditional sentence.
Zero or First Conditional Gap Fill
Answer Sheet
Students choose zero or first conditional to complete the sentences.
Zero Conditional Matching Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Matching worksheet that focuses on the zero conditional.
Zero Conditional Re-Ordering Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Students re-order the words to make sentences using the zero conditional.
First Conditional Re-Ordering Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Students re-order the words to make sentences using the first conditional.
Participle (-ed and -ing) Adjectives
Bored or Boring?
Answer Sheet
This worksheet helps practice the difference between "-ed" and "-ing" adjectives.
Participle Adjectives: Sentence Re-Writing
Answer Sheet
Students rewrite sentences using either "-ed" or "-ing" adjectives.
Discourse Markers Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Students fill in spaces with discourse markers such as "moreover", "besides" and "finally".
Adjective Worksheet
Students provide adjectives that can be used to describe towns or people or both. Can be used as a warmer to discussing students' friends, family or cities. I use as a warmer before doing 'what is _______ like?': this work on adjectives helps students remember that 'like' in this structure is used only to provide descriptions.
So / Because Re-Ordering
Answer Sheet
Sentences using 'so' and 'because' are jumbled up and students put the words into the correct order.
Compound Nouns Re-Ordering
Answer Sheet
Students re-order the words to make sentences using compound nouns.
Phrasal Verbs Re-Ordering
Answer Sheet
Students re-order the words to make sentences using phrasal verbs.
Gerund Sentence Completion Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Each sentence tail contains an example of the gerund - students need to find the sentence heads that go with them.
-Ed / -Ing Adjectives Re-Ordering
Answer Sheet
Sentences using '-ing' and '-ed' adjectives are jumbled up and students put the words into the correct order.
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