Beginners Level >> Vocabulary >> Students have to rearrange the words to make correct sentences. Good practice of adjective order in English.

Adjective Ordering Vocabulary Worksheet 2


Put these words in the correct order to make sentences. Be careful of the adjective order.

new / kitchen / washing / we / a / have / machine / the / in

bed / there / is / my / on / an / skirt / blue / ugly

ducks / little / the / in / street / walking / are / cute / six

blue / printer / broken / is / wonderful / new / the

a / do / have / you / bag / sleeping / new

poodle / Benji / called / is / French / cute / Lilly's

metal / red / big / have / we / a / knife / new

bag / sandwiches / for / paper / brown / where / is / the Premium

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