Beginners Level >> Reading >> A short text about a journalist, his wife and their three children. Focus on different present forms of the verb 'have'.

The Seattle Journalist


Read about Martin Benson, a journalist who lives in Seattle, USA.

Martin Benson is a journalist from Seattle. He is married to Jennifer and they have three children. They have two boys, Peter and Don, and a daughter, Alice.

Martin Benson is 47 years old. He has short black hair and he has a beard. Jennifer has large glasses and she has long blonde hair.

Peter is 15. He has short black hair, like his father. He is tall. His brother, Don, has fair hair and is not very tall. He is 13 years old.

Their sister, Alice, is 17. She has beautiful long black hair. She has a new car - she is very happy.

The Benson family have a Labrador dog, Benji. They have a small apartment in Seattle. Premium

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