Beginners Level >> Worksheets >> Choose the correct form of the present simple verb. This helps to practice third person singular.

Present Simple Third Person Multiple Choice, Worksheet Four


Choose the right form to complete each sentence.

1. We are new here, so we ________ know him.
a. doesn't
b. don't

2. William is rich so he ________ have to work.
a. doesn't
b. don't

3. It really is a cheap restaurant, it ________ cost much to eat there.
a. doesn't
b. don't

4. I ________ like classical music very much, I prefer rock.
a. doesn't
b. don't

5. Sara said she ________ want the puppy anymore.
a. doesn't
b. don't

6. I have a DVD player, but I ________ use it often.
a. don't
b. doesn't

7. That kind of thunderstorm ________ happen often.
a. doesn't
b. don't

8. We live close to the stadium, but we ________ go often.
a. doesn't
b. don't Premium

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