Elementary Level >> Worksheets >> Students find the odd one out in a list of regular and irregular past simple verbs, using it to make a sentence.
Past Simple Regular / Irregular Odd One Out
Which of the verbs in each question is the different one? Write a sentence for each 'odd one out' verb.
walk, lose, visit, like - LOSE
I lost my watch during my vacation in Europe.
1. fly, plan, shake, begin
Odd One Out: __PLAN__
2. understand, go, stop, buy
Odd One Out: __STOP__
3. want, write, prefer, watch
Odd One Out: __WRITE__
4. hit, bring, hurt, love
Odd One Out: __LOVE__
5. make, visit, cost, hear
Odd One Out: __VISIT__
6. happen, clean, help, wear
Odd One Out: __WEAR__
7. stick, feel, look, speak
Odd One Out: __LOOK__
8. teach, play, listen, finish
Odd One Out: __TEACH__