Pre-Intermediate Level >> Grammar Worksheets >> This looks on the face of it the sort of thing that you could only give your students for homework, but try and think of other uses for dull looking material that you find everywhere. I use this in what I call a 'tennis' activity. Two groups challenge each other by 'serving' one of the words to other group who see if they can 'return' by correctly stating whether it is finished or unfinished and then giving the first group a new word to tackle. This type of activity can clearly be done with many language points.

Finished or Unfinished Time


This looks on the face of it the sort of thing that you could only give your students for homework, but try and think of other uses of dull looking material that you find everywhere (including this site!). I use this in what I call a 'tennis' activity. Two groups challenge each other by 'serving' one of the words to other group who see if they can 'return' by correctly stating whether it is finished or unfinished and then giving the first group a new word to tackle. This type of activity can clearly be done with many language points.

this week since Saturday
this millennium 1996
10 years ago January
6 days ago when Neil lived in London
when I was a child last Christmas
this year Napoleon's life
this month today
when I was younger this week-end
your life 2 weeks ago
yesterday last May

Now place them in one of these columns.

Finished Unfinished Premium

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