Pre-Intermediate Level >> Grammar Worksheets >> To practice prepositions. Worksheet in which students fill in the prepostions.

Preposition Gap Fill Worksheet


1. I work FOR a company that makes ice cream machines and sells them TO Europe.

2. Your aunt is always complaining that you never write TO her. Just a quick letter will make her feel X very happy.

3. Nobody expected her to fall IN love WITH the new boss! Now they are getting married!

4. I want you to look very carefully AT this picture. What do you think ABOUT when you see it?

5. She married X a millionaire and now works AS his accountant.

6. Don't tell X your wife about the party invitation. She will be furious.

7. I arrived IN New York AT 7 o'clock and stayed in the airport FOR two hours before the next flight.

8. I want to play tennis tomorrow WITH my sister but it depends ON the weather. They said it's going to rain all day.

9. If you lend money TO Jon, be careful. Sometimes he forgets everything.

10. Opposite X the station, you will find a restaurant where you can eat very well and you don't pay FOR your drinks. Premium

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