Intermediate Level >> Grammar Worksheets >> Gap fill that focuses student attention on verb patterns.

I Love Shopping


I love _________ (go) shopping. My husband _________ (think) I am crazy because I go shopping every day. I __________ (be) like this since I was 10 years old. When my mother ______ (take) me to buy new clothes, I loved _________ (stay) in the shops for hours and hours. We were quite a poor family so I used to __________ (look) at everything without _________ (buy) and that is what I still do now. I look. I touch. I feel, but I rarely __________ (buy) a single thing. After I _______ (be) shopping with my mother, I always ______ (feel) very happy.

My favourite shops ___________ (visit) now are supermarkets. I would like __________ (own) a supermarket I think! If I ________ (have) my own supermarket, I __________ (spend) all day there and be the happiest person alive. So why ___________ (I like) supermarkets so much? Well, I love food and I especially love ________ (try) different foreign foods. When I am I a supermarket, I can _________ (see) together all different types of's like ________ (be) in a street market but with the advantage of ___________ (can) listen to the wonderful music they _________ (play).

That is the other thing I love about ________ (be) in shops...the music. In my house, I can't stop __________ (listen) to a CD my daughter ________ (buy) for me for Christmas called 'Best of Supermarket Super 40'. Since I was young, I __________ (never like) rock music or classical music, only shopping music. I enjoy _________ (relax) by _________ (listen) to that music when I __________ (work) in the house. I am such a happy woman. _________ (go) shopping is my life. Premium

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