Intermediate Level >> Games >> Students work in groups. One group has the 'heads' of the sentences (e.g. 'JFK') and the other group has the 'tails' (e.g. Dallas). Groups take it in turns to challenge the other group to produce a full sentence using the passive.

Students work in groups. One group has the 'heads' of the sentences (e.g. 'JFK') and the other group has the 'tails' (e.g. Dallas). Groups take it in turns to challenge the other group to produce a full sentence using the passive. The heads and the tails here are shown in order but will obviously get mixed up when you cut the cards.

Passive Card Game


Napoleon Waterloo
Napoleon Elba
The first atomic bomb 1945
J.F.Kennedy Dallas
Archduke Ferdinand Sarajevo
Titanic Northern Ireland
Guernica 1937
Agatha Christie Devon, England.
Yitzhak Rabin Tel Aviv
Macbeth William Shakespeare
The radio Marconi
The Airplane 1903
The first heart transplant South Africa
Poland 1939
George Bush Jnr. 2000
Ronaldinho Barcelona Premium

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