Intermediate Level >> Flashcards/Role Play Materials >> The town's local celebrity has died and now the local government want to build a new monument to celebrate her life. Students try to come to an agreement about what the town should construct.

Town's New Monument



Pre-teaching should concentrate on the following:

Structure: conditionals, should, other modals, comparatives
Functions: Deciding, Agreeing, Disagreeing, Arguing a Point, Comparing

Students are put into small groups of two, maximum three students. The two or three students are given different roles and the visual aids to help them in their discussions.


The town's local celebrity, Lady Jane Powers, has died and now the local government want to build a new monument to celebrate her life as a famous writer. Look at some of the suggestions below and try and agree with your partner about TWO of the ideas for the local government to construct.

Visual Materials

park statue
road name of school
museum bridge

Example Target Language:

I think they should....
The best thing would be...
What do you think about
If I were the mayor, I would....

Follow Up:

Are there places named after famous people in your country?
Do you think it's a good idea or not?
What would you like to be named after YOU?! Premium

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