Intermediate - error correction
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I Suggest You Do This Exercise
Answer Sheet
The use of "suggest" is a veritable minefield for English students. Here is a list of sentences using "suggest", some correctly and some not.
Error Correction: lesson one review
Answer Sheet
This can be used as a easy start for your Intermediate level class. It is basically a review of the Pre-Intermediate syllabus.
Grammar Auction: Modals
Answer Sheet
Like the above two grammar auctions but concentrating solely on modal usage.
Can, Could, Be Able To Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students decide if these sentences using 'can', 'could' and 'be able to' are correct or not.

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Grammar Auction: Past
Answer Sheet
Students in pairs or groups look at different ways of expressing the past in English and attempt to 'buy' only those sentences they think are correct.
Make, Let, Allow Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students decide if these sentences using 'make', 'let' and 'allow' are correct or not.
Grammar Auction: Intermediate Review
Answer Sheet
Similar to the above activity, this time for a general review of the Intermediate syllabus.
Error Correction: a letter
Answer Sheet
Review of Intermediate syllabus in the form of a letter between friends with 20+ mistakes in it.
So/Such Error Correction Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Worksheet containing errors in the use of "so" and "such".
Spelling Error Correction Worksheet
Answer Sheet
Students find errors of spelling in these sentences.
First & Second Conditionals Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students have to find the errors in these first and second conditional sentences.
Present Passive Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students have to find the errors in these present passive sentences.
Say / Tell Error Correction
Answer Sheet
Students choose 'correct' or 'wrong' for each sentence containing 'say' or 'tell'.
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