Intermediate - surveys and pairwork resources

Cinema Survey
Answer Sheet
Students construct questions using prompts - and then use these same questions to interview their partners about their cinema preferences.

I Was Going To Sell My Car..
Activity to practice the use of "was going to" to talk about an intended action in the past. The start and the finish of the sentences must be put together. Cut the table into strips and distribute among the students put into small groups. Can be done also as a whole class mingle activity.

Would You Mind?, Shall I?
practice of polite requests and offers. Cut and copy these cards and divide among your students. Students circulate around class reading what is on their card to other students who have to respond appropriately using 'would you mind' or 'shall I'.

Find Someone Who - Get
A mingle activity where students try to find other students who answer 'yes' to the questions on their sheet. All questions here involve the verb "get" which can cause a lot of problems for students.

First Lesson Introductions
To be used by classes that don't know each other. General getting-to-know-you activity.

Find Someone Who: Phrasal Verbs
A mingle activity where students try to find other students who answer 'yes' to the questions on their sheet. All questions here involve phrasal verbs.

What Sort of Person Are You?
Students grade statements from one to five before discussing them. Good discussion possibilities about personalities and also some practice of adverbs of frequency.

Passive Information Gap
Students work in pairs and ask their partner questions in the passive to compete sentences. Many of the sentences in this activity are about inventions and inventors. Some of the information may need to be re-checked!

Moral Dilemmas!
A list of moral dilemmas for students to discuss, whilst practising the second conditional. Students write what they would do in a particular situation and then compare their answers first with a partner and then with the rest of the class.

Make or Do Survey
At this level, it is a good idea to review something like this is a more 'passive' this is a 'learn by doing' where students go around the class asking different 'make' and 'do' questions. If there are any problems, the teacher focus on the different usage if necessary. Premium

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