Upper Intermediate Level >> Vocabulary Worksheets >> Choose the correct prefix for each word to complete this gap fill worksheet.

Prefix Worksheet

Upper Intermediate

1. The multilingual staff at this school will make you feel very welcome.
2. He has been charged with misuse of company funds.
3. Pro-government forces have won the latest battle and the Prime Minister seems safe for the time being.
4. This was an early prototype of an anti-aircraft missile but was replaced within a year due to repeated malfunction.
5. The meat was superb but the pasta was completely overcooked and tasted like wet cardboard.
6. The bar was closed down for having sold alcoholic drinks to underage customers.
7. I am not a socialist now. I would describe myself as an ex-communist but I have changed my opinions on many matters.
8. Many Hollywood celebrities now sign pre-nuptial agreements to prevent financial disputes if things go wrong.
9. I used to work for a large non-profit organisation that worked in the Third World to improve education provision.

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