Advanced Level >> Vocabulary Worksheets >> Vocabulary worksheet which has some unlikely looking nouns.

That's Not A Noun!


Look at the list of verbs in the box below. They are also all, incredibly, nouns. Try to select the correct ones to fill the spaces

1. The very tight election was only decided after the fifth __COUNT__ when the challenger accepted defeat by only 38 votes.

2. I had hoped the sore muscle was just a strain but the physio confirmed that it was a __PULL__.

3. A touchdown in American football is the equivalent to a __TRY__ in rugby.

4. Our company was really helped when we managed to get a __STAND__ at the local trade fair.

5. There is a __FLY__ in the room. It has been buzzing around annoying me for more than an hour.

6. It is illegal to put any type of pressurised gas container in luggage which will be put into the __HOLD__ of an aircraft.

7. After lunch, I went for a __SWIM__ in the lake, but the water was too cold.

8. We had a recruitment __DRIVE__ at my local sailing club and eventually signed up more than twenty new members.

9. You need hardly any of that lotion on your hands - just a __DROP__.

10. Getting to the summit from where we had started in the morning involved a __CLIMB__ of about 8000 feet in total.

11. Shakespeare wrote over twenty __PLAYS__ in his writing career.

12. Can I have a __GO__ on your motorbike if I promise to be really careful? Premium

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