Advanced Level >> Vocabulary Worksheets >> Students select from a list of words that describe emotions and attitudes to complete each sentence.

Emotions & Attitudes Gap Fill Worksheet


These adjectives all describe emotions or attitudes. Choose the best one for each sentence.

complacent   confident   dejected   ecstatic   embarrassed   frustrated   perplexed   receptive   relieved   remorseful

1. The key didn't fit, and we were ________ in our attempt to unlock the door.

2. The lady was ________ when she realized that she had forgotten to wear her dentures when she went shopping.

3. The murderer seemed to be truly ________ when he saw the victim's family.

4. The fans were ________ when their team won the championship game.

5. I was ________ by one of the clues in the crossword puzzle.

6. Patty was ________ after her best friend moved away.

7. I was very upset when I lost my keys, and I felt so ________ when I found them.

8. John had studied hard, and he was ________ that he would do well on the exam.

9. The coach was afraid that his team would become ________ after winning six games in a row.

10. The committee seemed to be very ________ to our suggestions. Premium

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