Copyright Notice
We here at Premium are happy to make our teaching resources available to the ESL teaching community but will also strive to protect our intellectual property.
The worksheets and handouts available under the domain may be used in the following manner only by members who have paid for a membership subscription:
- handouts may be viewed on the site. Access is given to all paid up members
- the files may be downloaded onto members' computers, saved onto disk or CD or any other internal or external drive or storage device
- handouts can freely be printed and photocopied and used in a member's school or other educational institution or for private lessons.
Members may NOT:
- distribute copies of files and/or handouts from Premium via e-mail, CD, disc or other storage device to other teachers not currently members of the Premium site.
- display copies of files and/or handouts from Premium via a website or other electronic means such as an intranet.
- remove the small copyright notices included on each handout on the Premium site. Handouts should be left "as are": if you find any typographical mistakes or factual inaccuracies, we would appreciate hearing from you. You can contact us here.
The posting of this copyright notice constitutes notice as being given.
We have already successfully closed down two three websites who broke the above posted copyright notice. Please respect our intellectual property. Copyright infringement is theft.