
Listed below are the people who have contributed to making esl-lounge Premium the great site it is.

Lesson Plans

The following have contributed lesson plans. If you would like to add something, contact us.

Clive Hawkins - Clive Hawkins attained his qualification in 1999 and promptly embarked on a round-the-world teaching mission. His first port of call was Sardinia in Italy where he just as promptly decided to stay. It was clearly one of his better decisions as he now has a beautiful Italian wife, a beautiful Anglo-Sardinian daughter and son, and a not too disagreeable English school.

"Has living in Sardinia changed you at all?" "Yes. I wave my hands a lot and have wine with lunch."

Young Learners

Svjetlana Faukovic-Mach has helped in the preparation of the lesson plans for young learners.


These are the people whose voices you hear on the audio files on the Premium site:

2005/7 Batch

Sean Banville is a freelance materials writer, based near Osaka, Japan. His latest project is his news materials website,

Courtney Campbell is alumna of the University of Michigan-Flint with a B.A. in Spanish and International Studies and a B.A. in French.

Karen St. Aubin and Dave St.Aubin - Karen is an ESL teacher based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Dave works at Nortel and enjoys hearing Karen's stories about her students.

Devaki Groulx has been teaching ESL for over 25 years. She joined McGill University's Department of English and French in 1981 and teaches in in both the Intensive (day) and (evening) credit courses.

Craig and Mary Vogel - Mary graduated with a B.A. in French, but it was not until many years later that she found her true calling in ESL. Craig has a busy career in mechanical engineering.

Karen Walker teaches ESL to a small group of immigrants in the Yukon Territory. For 25 years before joining the teaching profession, Karen was a freelance writer-editor and business owner. She is co-owner of Well-Read Books, the Yukon's only used bookstore.

Jim and Shelly Jamieson have adopted 4 children. Shelly is a professional vocalist, musician, and piano teacher. Jim has had a 20 year career as a professional speaker and is currently completing a Master's of Education degree in TESL.

Pia Petaja

2012 Batch

Elliot Stoneham, Sean Bizley, Mary Bonacci, Daniel Carbaugh, Alan Flower, Ann Chisolm, Stephanie Work, Barbara Rose, Alison Zahorski, Christopher Moszuti, Bob Venig, Eileen Moccaldi.

2014 Batch

Lynnette Dolan, Elliott Stoneham, William Harvey, John Eastman, Michelle Murillo, John O'Brien.


The superb artwork that has gone into our flashcards was created by local Sardinian artist, Michela Cocco.

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Lesson Plans






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