Document Bundles: PDF Worksheets

In this part of the site, we offer you the chance to download high quality PDF documents comprising materials from the main free part of the site.
Before now, if you wanted to print out materials from the free site, you would need to copy and paste into a word processor program or print directly off the website itself.
Unfortunately, you could never guarantee print consistency and quality due to differences between:
- browsers (Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome or Opera or Safari)
- operating systems (Windows 7 or Windows Vista or Windows XP or Macintosh)
- printers (Epson or Canon or HP or many others....)
With these PDF documents, you get the highest possible quality - identical across different computer and printer specifications. PDF is the highest quality, most flexible document format available on the internet today. And you only get what you need, clean text on a white background.
Simply open up by clicking and print off. If you have any queries about downloading or printing off materials from Premium, just consult our FAQ section.
All grammar/vocabulary worksheets include also the answer sheets.