C2 Proficiency (CPE) >> Multiple Choice Cloze Worksheets >> The first part of the 'Reading and Use of English' paper in the C2 Proficiency Examination is multiple choice cloze where students have to choose the correct word from four similar given words.

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Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE)

C2 Proficiency

Multiple Choice Cloze Worksheet 25 - Answer Sheet

This exercise type tests use of idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs and semantic precision in general. For each question below, choose the best answer from the four possibilities. Think also about why the other three choices are NOT possible.

1. Local police have promised to _____________ on the rampant drug scene that is thought to have contributed to the death of two teenagers last week.
a. crack down
b. weigh down
c. put down
d. come down

2. We used to spend hours on this beach, _____________ among the rocks and the sand dunes. Seems like centuries ago!
a. scuttling
b. limping
c. clambering
d. hopping

3. My responsibility is to keep a _____________ rein on company expenses and try to see us in the black for the next financial year. I know it won't be easy!
a. shorter
b. looser
c. longer
d. tighter

4. Apparently, the sailor spent three days on the beach before anyone found him and sent for help. It doesn't surprise me: that is a very deserted _____________ of coastline.
a. zone
b. stretch
c. corridor
d. swathe

5. Young children are _____________ often willing to behave stupidly to impress their friends.
a. all so
b. all very
c. all too
d. all but

6. The quickest way to the castle is to _____________ for that large hill and cross the river on the new bridge. Then you can't miss it.
a. go
b. reach
c. set
d. make

7. There's no _____________ asking me to pay for those shoes. You ruined them, you pay for them!
a. use
b. motive
c. cause
d. need

8. The vagrant came out of the shop, _____________ for about ten paces before falling against a car.
a. stammered
b. tripped
c. staggered
d. skidded

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