Listening Exercises - Beginner Level

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Welcome to Corper Castle
Description: A tour guide introduces visitors to Corper Castle, describing its history and features.
Language: Present simple for giving a tour and describing historical features, rooms, and gardens.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 20s | Exercise Number: 0L9
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Listening Quiz 1 - Welcome to Corper Castle * NEW! *

My Job At The Zoo
Description: A zookeeper describes her daily tasks, taking care of animals and interacting with visitors.
Language: Present simple for talking about work routines and describing animals and their care.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 2m 17s | Exercise Number: 0L10
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Listening Quiz 1 - My Job At The Zoo * NEW! *

Sunny Beach Resort
Description: A promotional advert for a beach resort, highlighting its facilities and special offers.
Language: Present simple for describing resort features and making persuasive recommendations.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 37s | Exercise Number: 0L11
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Listening Quiz 1 - Sunny Beach Resort * NEW! *

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How to Make a Fruit Salad
Description: Step-by-step instructions on how to make a simple fruit salad.
Language: Imperatives and present simple for giving instructions and describing food preparation steps.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 16s | Exercise Number: 0L12
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Listening Quiz 1 - How to Make a Fruit Salad * NEW! *

What I Love About Christmas
Description: Two friends talk about their favourite things related to Christmas, including food, decorations, and traditions.
Language: Present simple for describing likes and traditions, using "love" and "like" to express preferences.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 2m 09s | Exercise Number: 0L13
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Listening Quiz 1 - What I Love About Christmas * NEW! *

Tech Problems
Description: Two colleagues discuss sound and internet problems during an online meeting.
Language: Present simple and imperatives for technical troubleshooting and giving suggestions.
Dialect: British English | Length: 1m 55s | Exercise Number: 0L14
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Listening Quiz 1 - Tech Problems * NEW! *

Listening Quiz 2 - Tech Problems 2 * NEW! *

Comparing Hometowns
Description: Two people compare their small towns, discussing shops, parks, and public transport.
Language: Present simple for describing places and comparing similarities and differences between towns.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 30s | Exercise Number: 0L15
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Listening Quiz 1 - Comparing Hometowns * NEW! *

Listening Quiz 2 - Comparing Hometowns 2 * NEW! *

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