TOEFL >> TOEFL Grammar >> Students decide if the prepositions are being used correctly for each sentence.

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Preposition Errors Multiple Choice Worksheet

In the following text, are the prepositions in CAPITALS in the sentences correct or incorrect?

1. The breeding IN tropical fish

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

2. Is probably the most rewarding part OF fish keeping

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

3. and ABOUT which many books have been written.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

4. The breeding habits ABOUT fish are many and varied.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

5. They can be live-bearers, that is they give birth OF live fish or they can be egg-layers.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

6. For the live-bearers the number of fish born can vary from ten AT a hundred.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

7. The novice aquarist has visions of his tank becoming densely populated OF a very short time.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

8. However the young fish make excellent food and are quickly consumed, often BY their parents.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

9. An apparatus designed to protect the young fish can be purchased and is known AS a breeding trap.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect

10. It usually consists FROM a small plastic container and is clipped to the inside of the tank.

  1. correct
  2. incorrect Premium

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