TOEFL >> TOEFL Vocabulary >> Students choose the correct word to match the given definition.
Vocabulary Definitions Multiple Choice Worksheet 3
Choose the correct word for the following definitions:
1. Start to exist and experience. Grow and become more advanced or elaborate.
- build
- develop
- become
- commence
2. An object or asset bought or attained. The learning or development of a new skill, quality or habit.
- earnings
- gain
- investment
- acquisition
3. The action of imitating someone or something, usually to entertain or to ridicule someone.
- mimicry
- teasing
- copying
- mockery
4. Demanding the total love and attention of someone. Not willing or happy to share one's possessions.
- jealousy
- ownership
- possessiveness
- pride
5. To be in a state where one is likely to confront or attack. To behave or do something in a determined or forceful manner.
- violent
- aggressive
- bad tempered
- out of control
6. A belief, view or judgement formed about a subject, that may not be based on fact or knowledge. Advice given by an expert or professional.
- outlook
- viewpoint
- opinion
- expertise
7. A statement or expression of very strong and definite criticism or disapproval.
- retrograde
- recession
- compliance
- condemnation
8. A large and very destructive fire. A damaging war or conflict.
- conflagration
- dispute
- deputation
- confluence