TOEFL >> TOEFL Vocabulary >> Students choose the correct word to match the given definition.
Vocabulary Definitions Multiple Choice Worksheet
Choose the correct word for the following definitions:
1. To accept, approve of, excuse or overlook behaviour that is generally considered wrong.
- to be generous
- to be kind
- to forgive
- to condone
2. To try hard to do or achieve something.
- to embark on something
- to start something
- to endevour to do something
- to enjoy doing something
3. A book in which a person keeps a record of events, appointments and experiences.
- A diary
- a daily
- a novel
- a dairy
4. A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.
- progress
- agenda
- process
- mechanism
5. On or from the outside. Or relating to the external appearance of something, even if this appearance is not accurate.
- inside out
- outward
- exterior
- image
6. Relating to the body, bodily contact or activity. Relating to things which are felt through the senses rather than through the mind. Relating to natural forces.
- physical
- sensual
- bodily
- activity
7. To stop feeling anger towards someone who has done something wrong. To stop blaming someone.
- to be generous
- to be forgiving
- to be kind hearted
- to be faithful
8. Having or showing a sensible idea of what can be expected or achieved.
- convincing
- intelligent
- authentic
- realistic