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Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE)
C1 Advanced
Advanced Sample Speaking: Practice Test Three
Here, you have a full Speaking test. What the examiner says is shown in italics.
Speaking Part One: Interview
2 minutes
Good morning/afternoon. My name is ________ and this is my colleague ________.
And your names are?
Can I have your mark sheets please?
Thank you.
Where are you from, (Candidate A)?
And you, (Candidate B)?
Address a selection of these questions to the candidates in turn, as appropriate.
Do you think the rules at your workplace or institution are fair? Why/why not?
Tell me about a time when you experienced unfair treatment.
What makes a good leader in your opinion?
How do people in your country typically resolve disputes?
Do you think social media has made society fairer? Why/why not?
Speaking Part Two: Long Turn
4 minutes (1 minute per candidate plus 30-second responses)
In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you three photographs. I'd like you to talk about two of them on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question briefly about your partner's photographs.
(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs. They show different situations involving fairness and justice. I'd like you to compare two of the photographs, and say what issues of fairness these situations might raise, and how the people might be feeling.

[Candidate A speaks for 1 minute]
Thank you.
(Candidate B), which of these situations do you think would be the most challenging to handle fairly? Why?
[Candidate B speaks for 30 seconds]
Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show different ways people are working for social justice. I'd like you to compare two of the photographs, and say what these people might be trying to achieve, and how effective their actions might be.

[Candidate B speaks for 1 minute]
Thank you.
(Candidate A), which of these approaches to creating change do you think is most effective? Why?
[Candidate A speaks for 30 seconds]
Speaking Part Three: Collaborative Task
3 minutes (2-minute discussion followed by 1-minute decision-making task)
Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes.
Here are some ways society tries to ensure fairness. Talk to each other about how effective these different methods might be.
- equal opportunities laws
- progressive taxation
- free education
- quotas
- universal healthcare
After your discussion [after 2 minutes], you have about a minute to decide which two methods you think are most important for creating a fair society.
Speaking Part Four: Discussion
5 minutes
Now, to finish the test, we're going to talk about fairness and justice in general.
(Questions selected from below, addressed to both candidates)
- Is it possible to create a completely fair society?
- How has social media affected people's sense of justice?
- Should justice systems focus more on punishment or rehabilitation?
- What role should education play in promoting fairness?
- How can societies balance individual rights with collective needs?
- Do you think future generations will live in a fairer world?