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Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE)
C1 Advanced
Advanced Sample Speaking: Practice Test Five
Here, you have a full Speaking test. What the examiner says is shown in italics.
Speaking Part One: Interview
2 minutes
Good morning/afternoon. My name is ________ and this is my colleague ________.
And your names are?
Can I have your mark sheets please?
Thank you.
Where are you from, (Candidate A)?
And you, (Candidate B)?
Address a selection of these questions to the candidates in turn, as appropriate.
How do you decide if news is reliable?
Do you think advertising influences your choices? Why/why not?
Have you ever caught someone telling you a white lie?
How has social media changed the way information spreads?
Do you think it's ever acceptable to be dishonest? Why/why not?
Speaking Part Two: Long Turn
4 minutes (1 minute per candidate plus 30-second responses)
In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you three photographs. I'd like you to talk about two of them on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question briefly about your partner's photographs.
(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs. They show different situations involving information and communication. I'd like you to compare two of the photographs, and say what challenges people might face in determining the truth in these situations, and how they might deal with them.

[Candidate A speaks for 1 minute]
Thank you.
(Candidate B), which of these situations do you think presents the biggest challenge for finding the truth? Why?
[Candidate B speaks for 30 seconds]
Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show different ways people try to verify information. I'd like you to compare two of the photographs, and say what these people might be doing to check facts, and how effective their methods might be.

[Candidate B speaks for 1 minute]
Thank you.
(Candidate A), which of these approaches to finding the truth do you think is most reliable? Why?
[Candidate A speaks for 30 seconds]
Speaking Part Three: Collaborative Task
3 minutes (2-minute discussion followed by 1-minute decision-making task)
Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes.
Here are some areas where truth and deception might affect society. Talk to each other about how these different aspects might influence people's behaviour and decisions.
- political campaigns
- product marketing
- social media profiles
- job applications
- news reporting
After your discussion [after 2 minutes], you have about a minute to decide which two areas have the most serious impact on society.
Speaking Part Four: Discussion
5 minutes
Now, to finish the test, we're going to talk about truth and deception in general.
(Questions selected from below, addressed to both candidates)
- How can we protect ourselves from misinformation?
- Should there be stricter regulations on political advertising?
- Why do you think conspiracy theories spread so quickly?
- Is it possible to have completely unbiased news reporting?
- How has digital technology changed our relationship with truth?
- Do you think younger generations are better at spotting fake news?