Lesson Plan Theme: Imperative

On this page, you will find lessons plans relating to "Imperative".

Young Learners

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In My Schoolbag

Target Language: Classroom vocabulary, making requests, speaking about objects
Description: Students talk about everyday objects from their schoolbag and their colors. They then do some work on spelling before the lesson finishes with a speaking activity which practices functional language of giving and receiving.
Duration: 45 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: YL1


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Black Swan Hotel

Target Language: Imperatives, giving instructions and advice.
Description: The Black Swan Hotel in England has a few problems today. Students have to indentify the imperative verb form being used to give instructions to the hotel handyman. The lesson finished with a game in which the imperative is used to give instructions and advice.
Duration: 65 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 1G8


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Kitchen Capers

Target Language: Giving instructions in the kitchen.
Description: Two friends make chicken pie. Cooking vocabulary and a focus on the imperative verb form used in the conversation between the two friends.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 2L11
mp3 file/info: Click here

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