Lesson Plan Theme: Weather

On this page, you will find lessons plans relating to "Weather".

Young Learners

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What's The Weather Like?

Target Language: Weather and clothes vocabulary, present continuous.
Description: The lesson begins with students talking about the weather and learning the names of clothes. A picture-guided writing gets them talking about what different people are wearing. The lesson finishes with a fun song/chant about the weather.
Duration: 45 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: YL8
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Target Language: Vocabulary: months, seasons. Present Simple revision.
Description: After a fun drawing dictation warmer, students get to categorize vocabulary by seasons and then get to practice the months of the year. There is some revision of the Present Simple in the form of a short reading and a closing speaking activity.
Duration: 45 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: YL14


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Hurricane Herbert

Target Language: Weather vocabulary, modal verbs of obligation and permission.
Description: The first part of the lesson is an exercise on some more advanced weather vocabulary. Students then read a newspaper article giving some advice dealing with hurricanes. The second half of the lesson focuses on the modal verb usage in the newspaper article and the lesson finishes with a fun "Hurricane Facts" game.
Duration: 70 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 3G13
Tags: Modals | Weather
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The Shrinking Lake

Target Language: Discussing the environment, reading.
Description: A lesson based around environmental problems which has as its focus point an article about Lake Chad. The lesson finishes with a speaking game about different problems in the environment.
Duration: 70 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 3R1

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