Advanced Speaking, Role Play, Topics Lesson Plans


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The Animal World

Target Language: Giving opinion, agreeing & disagreeing.
Description: Students discuss controversial issues regarding animals such as circuses and zoos - and also learn how to agree and disagree with other students. A series of mini-debates on these topics ends the lesson.
Duration: 75 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4S1
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TV Times

Target Language: General speaking \ TV vocabulary.
Description: After talking about their own TV-watching habits and discussing the quality (or lack thereof...) of TV at home, the class participates in a three-way role play to improve program quality on a local channel.
Duration: 70 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4S2
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Poor And Poorer

Target Language: Describing photos, vocabulary of poverty/politics.
Description: Students give their opinions at the start of the lesson on a range of topics such as poverty/aid/3rd World development, etc. Short reading extracts are used to teach/revise vocabulary in this topic field. The final part of the lesson pulls all of this together, getting students talking about photographs taken in the developing world.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4S3

Role Plays

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The Dam

Target Language: Generation of electricity, discussing/persuading/disagreeing.
Description: Students are divided into groups and try to reach a decision on whether to construct a hydro-electric dam or not.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4RP1
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Target Language: Resolution of hypothetical diplomatic situation.
Description: After some initial discussion relating to immigration and economics, they take place in a extensive role play to resolve the economic, educational and social difficulties in three countries.
Duration: 80 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4RP2
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The Terrible Twins

Target Language: Discussion of educational problems, discipline at school.
Description: The theme of this role play lesson is discipline at school and an issue with problematic, disruptive students. There is also some work on identifying text types from context.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4RP3


These are the materials that are based around one subject (i.e. Museums, Diets, Reading Habits) but are not centred around one language skill such as reading or grammar.

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First Day

Target Language: Introductions, questions, opinions.
Description: This is a nice higher level ice-breaker lesson which you can use right on the first day. Through various speaking activities and games and a final writing task, students get to know not only each other but also the teacher.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4T1
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Treasure Hunt

Target Language: Treasure hunts, solving and writing clues, reading.
Description: A lesson about the modern phenomenon of executive/tourist treasure hunts. After students help solve an introductory treasure hunt clue, there's a short reading with true/false questions, a short discussion about treasure hunts - and then your students will create and participate in their very own hunt!
Duration: 55 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4T2
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One Small Step For Man

Target Language: Space exploration, science/technology vocabulary, holding a debate.
Description: Students discuss which has been mankind's greatest achievement. There is a high level reading about our future in space exploration. To finish off the lesson, the speaking activity takes the form of a debate about whether space exploration is a waste of money or not.
Duration: 65 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4T3

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