Lesson Plan Theme: Games and Hobbies

On this page, you will find lessons plans relating to "Games and Hobbies".

Young Learners

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I Don't Play The Piano

Target Language: Present Simple negative, musical instruments.
Description: Practice of forming negative sentences using the Present Simple followed by using this while speaking about musical instruments. A short reading and a transformation exercise is followed by a speaking activity where students create a chain sentence.
Duration: 45 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: YL12


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Quiz Show

Target Language: Present Simple questions, Quiz shows.
Description: A chance for your students to show off their general knowledge and to learn about how to make Present Simple questions. Students finish the lesson with a quiz of their own!
Duration: 55 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 1G9
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The New Class

Target Language: Present Simple, Getting to know people.
Description: Can be used as an ice breaker with a new class or a class that hasn't had the chance to get to know each other very well. Focus on using present simple questions to find out about other students in the class. After a listening, lesson ends with a very active game.
Duration: 45 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 1L3
mp3 file/info: Click here
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Yes We Can

Target Language: Can/Can't for ability, musical instrument vocabulary.
Description: Students learn the names of several music instruments and how they are played. A reading follows that looks at two musical sisters. After a reading comprehension exercise, the grammar focus is on "can/can't" for ability. A freer speaking exercise closes the lesson.
Duration: 75 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 1T2
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Sport and Free Time

Target Language: Play/Go/Do vocabulary.
Description: Sports and leisure activity vocabulary. Includes an information-gap speaking activity.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 1V4


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Bored Betty

Target Language: Vacation/holiday activities, adverbs of frequency, inviting and suggesting.
Description: A lesson that focuses on functional language of suggesting/inviting. The listening is an informal conversation between friends as they try to plan what to do together.
Duration: 55 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 2L7
mp3 file/info: Click here
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Evening Classes

Target Language: Deciding which evening course to do.
Description: The subject of this lesson is evening classes. After an initial speaking activity, the listening has two friends looking at a brochure and deciding which course to do. The lesson finishes with a speaking activity based on functional language such as agreeing and suggesting.
Duration: 60 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 2L12
mp3 file/info: Click here
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BASE Jumping

Target Language: BASE jumping, interviewing a celebrity and writing article about it.
Description: A general lesson on the extreme sport of BASE jumping, which includes a reading comprehension, some vocabulary work and a journalist/famous BASE jumper role play at the end.
Duration: 75 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 2T2


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Hook, Line & Sinker

Target Language: Fishing, the passive.
Description: Fishing and fishermen. The tale of one young angler in a reading with a paragraph gap-fill exercise which gets students thinking about textual discourse. Grammar focus on the passive and the reasons for using the passive.
Duration: 55 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 3R4


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Golf Blues

Target Language: Should (Not) Have Done
Description: Some work on golf vocabulary is followed by a light hearted reading to elicit should have done and shouldn't have done. Speaking game to finish with.
Duration: 65 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4G1
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Treasure Hunt

Target Language: Treasure hunts, solving and writing clues, reading.
Description: A lesson about the modern phenomenon of executive/tourist treasure hunts. After students help solve an introductory treasure hunt clue, there's a short reading with true/false questions, a short discussion about treasure hunts - and then your students will create and participate in their very own hunt!
Duration: 55 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4T2
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Coming, Ready Or Not

Story Involves: Science Fiction, time travel, childhood games.
Plot: Abigail stands counting by the tree while her friends run for dark corners in her large house. She goes into her father's study where she thinks she sees one of those she's looking for. But he's disappeared. And who is the old guy trying to speak to her?
Duration: 70 minutes. Lesson Plan Code: 4R16

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